Thursday, November 1, 2012

Escaping Alcatraz

    According to the Museum Collection at The Rock: Alcatraz Island Golden Gate National Recreation Area there were no trace of John Anglin, Clarence Anglin, and Frank Morris, who broke out together on June 11, 1962, was ever found. The next morning on June 12, 1962 sailors on a merchant freighter reported seeing a body floating in the bay, but the body slipped beneath the waves before it could be recovered. Their fate remains a mystery. Their remains were never found, and there is also no evidence they survived. Surveillance never detected them in their hometowns or at any family gatherings. Laura Sullivan on September 22 2009 in an artical Mystery Still Swirls Around Alcatraz Escape part two of a two part series reported that the strongest lead may be this: In half a century, there has not been one single, credible piece of evidence that Morris and the Anglin brothers ever set footy on dry land-even for an hour. Laura Sullivan also quoted what U.S. Marshal Michael Dyke said. He said "To this date, [there's] nothing concrete that they're alive or that they even made it"
"Escapes:1962 Attempt. "Museum Collection at The Rock: Alcatraz Island Golden Gate National Recreation Area. n.d. Web. 1 Nov 2012.
Laura Sullivan."Mystery Still Swirls Around Alcatraz Escape." npr. 22 September  2009. Web. 1 Nov 2012. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

              Frank Morris                             Clarence Anglin                                 John Anglin

        Prison officials and federal agent believe that the three inmates, Frank Morris and brothers John And Clarence Anglin, may have perished in the chilly San Francisco Bay waters. Other believe they may have got eatan by sharks. Lisa Leff from the AP (Associated  Press) cought up with Marie Anglin-Widner and Mearl Anglin-Taylor, the two Florida women who are the younger sisters of John and Clarence, and ask their stories. Widner said that she always believed that her brothers made it, and she hasn't changed her mind about it. Widner, of Lee County, GA., also told WALB, that the reason why the authorities put her bothers in Alcatraz was because they couldn't  keep her brothers anywhere else because her brothers would keep getting away. She also told WALB that we know they are OK. The U.S. Marshals Service took over the manhunt from FBI in 1978.  U.S. Marshal Michael Dyke, who inherited the unsolved case in 2003, does not disagree with the sisters' account. Dyke seen enough evidence to make him wonder, which makes tracking down some 250 tips and reported sightings-even the wackier ones-necessary. He gets tips every one or two months. The clues he considers the most tantalizing are credible reports that the Anglins' mother, for several years, recevied flowers delivered without a card and that the brothers attended her 1973 funeral disguised in women's clothes despite a heavy FBI presence.

      Jolene Babyak, the doughter of the associate warden, is less convinced that any of the inmates survived the escape. Babyak was 15 years old and living with her father on Alcatraz at that time in June of 1962. She remember her father getting the call on June 12, 1962 about three inmates had escaped the night before and had a eight-hour head start. Babyak thinks given how exhaustively the FBI investigated the incident and the number of years that have passed there would be more concrete evidence that would have surfaced if Morris or the Anglin Brothers had lived to tell about it.

     There been breaking news of Frank Morris, Alcatraz escapee, found living in Ireland according to Capo, who wrote a breaking news artical on 28 February 2010 on In this story Capo sayed that Frank Morrie in living under the assumed name of Padraic Welsh in a remote part of Connemara on the western coast of Irland. Frank now 83 years of age dicided th time was right to break the silence and set the record straight after 47 years of living in Ireland. Recounting the night or June 11, 1962  Frank said the escape went as planned. He said they boarded the raft they had constructed and disappeared into the night to rendezvous with a boat which they had arranged to pick them up,they then destroyed the raft and scattered personal belonging into the bay to throw the authoritys off their trail. Frank having relatives from the west of Ireland and a aunt living in Connemara had already organised passage to the Emerald Isle prior to escaping. Frank also said that as for John and Clarence Anglin, the brothers whom he escaped with, he never heard from them since and often wonders what became of them.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

     In the late 1850 the US Army used Alcatraz to house military prisoners. They used the island from 1850-1933 before the island was transferred to the U.S. Department of Justice for use by the Federal Bureau of Prison. The prison only hold 260-275 inmates but, the prison poupulation never reached the capacity of 336 inmates.Alcatraz only house less than  1% of the total federal prison population. Many prisoners considered the living conditions at Alcatraz to be better than other Federal prisons. Serveral inmates requested to be transfered to their. From 1934-1963 the Federal prison reported 36 men (including two who tried to escape twice) were involved in 14 separate escape attempts. Twenty-three were caught, six were shot and killed during their escape, and two drowned.The escape of Frank Morris and brothers John and Clarence Anglin remain a mistery.Did they drown and die, or did they make the greatest escape from Alcatraz and  live?

Alcatraz Prison in 1934
Alcatraz Prison in 1934
"Alcatraz Escape Attemps." October.2012.

"A Brief of Alcatraz."Federal Bureau of Prisons.N.D.Web.23 October.2012.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

On June 11, 1962 what people called the "Greatest escape from Alcatriz" occured. Prior to the escape sevrel inmates serving time at Alcatriz Prison tried to escape the island but never made it because they either drowned or go shot by the guards. The mistery of the inmates who escape from the island of Alcatriz on June 11, 1962 is that no one knows if they lived or if they died. This escape from Alcatriz gets me to thinking how could those inmates escape and make it out alive . What plans did they use to escape the island and did their plans work. Did they make to the Calafornia Bay or not.I think they  accomplished the greatest escape from Alcatriz and lived.